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September 23, 2014



They look amazing!!!


10 years already?! Wow! Loved the first two and can't wait to read the third. The covers look beautiful!


The covers are fine, but what I'm really excited about is to finally see the synopsis for The Forgotten Sisters. Wow! Having just re-read Princess Academy (for the 100th time), it seems like Miri's story will come full circle. (And in a swamp, even!) Hmm, that being said, I'm getting an "Anne of Green Gables" vibe from these covers, for some reason.


These are GORGEOUS. A perfect excuse for me to buy the series all over again hahahaha.


Oh, awesome covers.


The covers are beautiful! And I can't wait to read the book!


They're beautiful. I really like them. They're kinda cartoonish, but in a good way, like posters for a Disney film (but a good Disney film that gets released in cinemas and rave reviews) or something; they've got a dream-like quality to them (which works for Miri's character, actually). They look well-suited for a young audience, though, which is both a positive - yay for introducing younger readers to your books! - and a negative - because it can deter readers who won't read books that look too childish. I like the font choice too; it's fancy but whimsical. Definitely a different feel from the older covers, which hurrah for new audiences!

Worst of all is: Do I now have to buy a whole new set of Princess Academy novels so that they match? Answer: Yes, yes I do. (Which isn't really a bad thing...although now I wonder what the spines look like...)

Kim Woodruff

I love them! They're beautiful!


The third one is my favorite. It is fun and enchanting without being young. I guess I just really like the real stone and climbing vine on the original Princess Academy cover. Regardless of cover, I can't wait to read it.

Emily F

Love!Can't wait for the Forgotten Sisters!


I'm going to cry, I'm so happy. Princess Academy was my first love of your books. Miri is a major hero of mine. I can't wait until March!


I'm super excited to read the books, and the new covers are gorgeous! I just wish I could buy one that would match my other two.

Autumn Lin

The covers are gorgeous, but...do I have to buy all the series over again so they match...? Yes... Gorgeous covers, really, but, WHY?


I'm so excited for the third book. I was very surprised when I heard there was going to be a third one, but I really like the synopsis. Sounds like a new adventure and something that Miri would love to try: challenging, yet still exciting.

I'm sorry to say that I don't really like the new covers though. I am glad they don't have pictures of real girls, like some of the other covers have had, but whatever happened to the artist from the original Princess Academy? This artist is talented and did a great job, but I adore the original. I have been asked before, what my favorite book cover is, and that one always comes to mind. The beautiful, sophistical illustrative style conveys an innocent, childish aspect. It conveys "fairy tale" in the best way.

Sorry to share the first negative opinion. I do think the new artist is very good, but I just miss the aesthetic I fell in love with the first time I read Princess Academy. I'd love to know the reasoning behind the change.


The new covers are nice enough, but like some of the earlier commenters, I'd really like a matched set. Unlike the others, there is no way I'm rebuying anything; I don't have a big enough book budget to justify that. I'm more likely to just never buy The Forgotten Sisters if it doesn't come out in a photo-realistic type paperback.


They're gorgeous! I can't wait to read the third one!


Oh, I will read it whatever the cover. I just tend to wait until the matching cover version comes out before buying, and if it never comes out, I can't say for sure whether I will buy or not.

Bethany Scheerer

Just curious why isn't there a picture of A Wonderlandiful World on the left side with other book covers?


I feel like the Miri looks really young in the first and second books. I thought that she was 14? She looks more like 6. But I really like the last one. Beautiful artwork though!

Bronwyn Kennington

The covers are gorgeous! I like that it has the hand drawn quality, it keeps my imagination free to believe whatever it wants to about the characters.


So gorgeous. I absolutely LOVE them all!!

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