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April 14, 2014



This looks completely Awesome! Can't wait!


Looks amazing! I'm so excited for October!


Excited for this! I think my daughter will love them.


I'm reading Dangerous right now. I want to thank you for chapter 29. I've never read a scene like that before and so many books need to go that way. Keep writing!


I have a two year old nephew that I fully expect to raid my bookshelves in the future, and I think he'll love all of yours.

Kathryn Purdie

Kinda reminds me of a female version of the "man in black" from Princess Bride. Love it!

friv 4

Looking at the cover is pretty impressive and attractive colorful and simple. But the impression is created that can be found.


Wish I had books like that when I was five instead of Rainbow Magic and Strawberry Shortcake... -.-

Kathryn Purdie: Touché! Lol, I love that movie.


Finally wrapped my head around the fact that I am meeting you on Saturday. Like I will actually get to talk to you. I am so excited I just had a little outburst of crying for a few minutes. I have planned this since January and it's just now hitting me that this is for real. Hope Houston isn't too hot for you! ~Autumn

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