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March 31, 2014



I prefer the one from the US! By the way, the book was great!

Mrs Mac

I much prefer the US cover - much more intriguing!


I prefer the US one too - I think the font is better and it's good that the background isn't just solid black. I like the quote on the UK one better, though.


U.S. - it feels more "space like" and mysterious. The orange is cool too, though! I started Dangerous a little while ago and loved it! Can't wait to pick it up again!!


U.S. all the way, although the way the U.K. did the words looks cool. Haven't started the novel yet, but can't wait to do so!


I actually prefer the U.K. one, more minimalistic and the orange signs look more interesting somehow.

Amelia Loken

At first glance, I like the orange in the UK version. Looks more "Dangerous". But the stars/galaxy behind the purple version give a bigger hint towards the nature of the book.

By the way...it was AWESOME! Loved it!


I like both, but I believe I prefer the US version. I like the stars in the background.
Love the book, but not yet finished. My bookmark is at Chapter 47. Spring break is here so now I'll have time to read!!!


Both are very nice, but I like the US version better. The background is more space looking and I prefer the signs in purple.
Dangerous is an awesome book!!

Michele Dwinell

They're both great, but if you HAVE to choose...for me it's the U.S. version. I've seen so many great books with the black/red or black/red covers, that the violet stands out. Can't wait to read the INSIDE, though!


I like the UK cover. My favorite color is orange. The font is slightly easier to read, too. But both are stunning. Congrats!

Autumn Riley

I like the orange more from the UK one, but I like the space scene in the back of ours... You just need to combine them.

Autumn, Shelby

We just watched Austenland... IT WAS ADORABLE! We loved it so much. It was hilarious and cute and aaaaaaaaah!!! Yeah...


I think I like the US version better; the stars in the background are perfect for the setting and, I don't know, but orange reminds me of fire.
I haven't read this yet, but I want to!

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