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October 31, 2012


Miss Erin

Laura's pumpkins are magnificent. Always.

J. A. Bennett

Very cool! I like the princess academy one best!



Amelia Loken

Wow! Beautiful!


These are super fabulous fun. Very cool!


I carved a traditional face for my pumpkin...These are so much better in comparison.Very pretty Laura Middleton.


I wish I could do that...l'll stick to the classic faces.


Ha My pumpkin is shamed in comparison! It's Amazing that it's even possible to do that.

Ashley R.

Laura, you are amazing! Thank you for doing Reached! I love it! I also really love the Palace of Stone pumpkin! Theses are fantastic!


incredible pumpkins-so glad you shared.


New YA book?!
Excitement !!!!! Ahh!!
And of course the pumpkins are lovely~

Anna, ze #1 Fan

WOW! Magnifique!! And, wowza, another book? :D I'm very excited...

Ashley R.

I can't wait for another book from you! I may have to wait till after my mission, though. Oh, well. It's all good. :)


Love the REACHED pumpkin!!! Can't wait for it to come out!!!!


We've joked about doing the same thing. But since our back porch is next to a school yard, I'm prttey sure such a scene would also involve police.P.S. I gave you an award on my blog. Because your writing is amazing.


Ah! I always look forward to seeing Laura's pumpkins, even since I first saw them on LRRH.

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