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July 21, 2010



Love it. I want to read the second one so bad. I love your books and will have to try dressing up. I'm thinking maybe Enna...:-)

Karen Adair

Awesome! Now I guess he can go into costume design in between graphic novels. :) Thanks for the excellent posting.


I ordered Calamity Jack through the library.....SOO excited! I was nervous the Punzie wasn't in it because she wasn't in any of the little preview thing-ma-jings. Anyway thanks for the reassurance and go Dean!!! from what I can tell he is gonna have 3 little heart breakers on his hands very soon.


Had to go grab Calamity Jack and review it again. It's so great.

Enna Isilee

Ooh! Ooh! I already have a Dashti costume! Can I use that one again?

So cool!

Jenn Sim

I love both books. They're full of high adventure and great laughs. I love recommending them to friends who have never read a graphic novel before.

Have you seen the trailer for the new Disney Movie "Tangled". It appears that Disney likes some of your ideas too. It's just different enough...

Je Reve

My hair is now long enough to be Ani/Isi...
Thanks for the great post. They always brighten my day.


I'd love to dress up as Miri from the princess Acadamy. But sewing the acadamy dress would take more than just two months.Especialy the little roses on the ruffles of the dress described as in the book. I'd love that dress...well, I can always immagine wearing it.

Robin B.

I've been offline for a bit, but I'm totally gleeful that you saw fit to post the photo! Thanks. Now I'm blushing. The only sad part is my colleague who was going to be Jack could not attend this ALA, but we're planning on it for the next time we're in the same city!

Thanks to everyone for the inspiring costume -- who wouldn't want to be (for a day) the steampunk, butt-kicking Rapunzel!?


It's to my shame I haven't read either (are they even out in the UK? Possibility that I just haven't been looking in the right place) but I seriously want to- especially as at the moment I'm writing a Rapunzel spin-off and I reaaally want to see your interpretation (yeah, I know it's not exact or whatever, but still, it looks awesome). So I might be paying Amazon a visit...

Also, that costume is ridiculously awesome. So you know.

Princess Loucida

Ohhh! I think I'll dress as Rin!

And this post was very interesting!


I'd really like to dress as Ani/Isi but does it matter if my hair isn't blond? I mean, I think I'm a lot like her and I have some perfect costume pieces...oh, I'm so excited! :)

Princess Luna

OH MY GOSH!!!!!! YOUR HAVING A COSTUME CONTEST Squeee! That is really,really,really,really cool!
If I were to enter I'd enter as Enna....I have black hair(though brown in the sun or up close)and eyes that represent my hair,though my skin is tan.But my all time favorite character is Miri....I feel the same way she does about being short,but in the opposite way(which mean Im really tall).I know thios is totally off subject,but I wanna tell you you are my all time favorite author,and you are my insperation for the books I'm writting now and hopefully the books that I'll be able to get published in the future.You showed me what I'm best at writting at,Fantasy!


Oooo Costume contest!!!


Where should I send the photo?


Are you going to write any more of the Rapunzel series?

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