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April 09, 2010



Thanks for sharing this fun list! Charlotte's Web definitely gets my vote for #1. I still can't read that book without crying. :)

miss erin

wait--do you not like The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe?


My personal top ten?

1. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

2. Harry Potter 3

3. A Wrinkle in Time

4. Ella Enchanted

5. Ender's Game

6. Percy Jackson 1

7. City of Ember

8. Dealing with Dragons

9. The Silver Chair

10. The Amulet of Samarkland (sp?)

...I think that'd be it. I might move around some of the books within the 10, but that's definitely my top picks.


Can't believe I haven't read #5 or #10. Need to brush up on my children's lit! Especially so I can pass it on to the kiddos. Can't believe how fast the 5yo is getting into reading. We've been doing chapters from Lion, Witch, Wardrobe out loud at bed time and are already halfway through.

Megan J.

I immediately thought of Charlotte's Web. There isn't a better children's book out there. I read it to my students every few years and the end still makes me teary-eyed!

Some of those books I haven't read in forever! I think I'll go back and read a lot of them. I'm about to read a Ramona book to my class next week to celebrate D.E.A.R.

Michelle Witte

The Bad Beginning is #71.

I'm just glad they got most of my favorites in there: Matilda and The BFG, Book of Three and High King, The Giver, The Thief, The Graveyard Book, and I could really go on.

This list is actually very helpful since I'm compiling my initial book order for the children's bookstore I'm opening. Great timing.


I'm sure it is Charlotte's Web, although I would disagree. I'd put Harry Potter at the top. Looking at the full list of 100, I saw a few surprises but most were expected. I don't agree with their #2 choice (A Wrinkle in Time) either, but that's just me!And, Shannon, I recommend every one of your books to anyone who asks! Love them love them love them! I really do think Princess Academy or Goose Girl should be among the top 100 without a doubt.


I've always loved the Trumpet of the Swan and Prairie River.


My personal children's favorites, though I don't think I could order them: Narnia, Percy Jackson, Hoot, Coraline (is that childrens?), Peter Pan in Scarlet, The Twits, Ella Enchanted, The Two Princess of Bamarre, Series of Unfortunate Events...I'm just rambling now, aren't I?


Where the Red Fern Grows, Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great, Beauty (By Bill Wallace), The Black Stallion, Misty of Chincoteague, Black Beauty, Inkheart... I have so many more it's crazy. Have to stop somewhere. And why isn't Anne of Green Gables #2 and Narnia #1? Those people need to get their priorities in order.


Top ten... argh.

Peter Pan, The Westing Game, The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues, Walk Two Moons, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, The Bronze Bow, Holes, Because of Winn-Dixie, Howl's Moving Castle, The Phantom Tollbooth.

Although of course I adore Narnia and Little Men/Little Women too...


What a nostalgic list! Little House, Mrs. Frisby, James and the Giant Peach, Ramona... and Charlotte's Web is NOT on there, so it better be #1! That was my first very own hardcover book that was new!


I doubt I could name my top ten, but two of my favorites are Where the Red Fern Grows and Walk Two Moons.

Melissa (Book Nut)

It's not about priorities, people. Those who participated submitted their top 10 and Besty assigned them points -- 10 for #1 down to 1 for #10 -- and the book with the most points is #1. So it's more about which book the most people were thinking about. I'm betting it's Charlotte's Web. Interestingly: none of the top 10 were on my personal 10 list, though I've read every single book. Hmmm.... wonder what that says about me?

Melissa (Book Nut)

Oh, I lied: Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe *was* on my top 10.


How about The Giving Tree? Not a long book, but it's amazing and I think every child has read it.


Oh, phew. I thought it was first you didn't like LWW! I can breathe again:)

My top ten:
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief
The Goose Girl
Wildwood Dancing (not sure if that's for 12 year olds or not... I read it when I was 13)
The Sherwood Ring
The Sisters Grimm (any and all of them)
A Murder for Her Majesty
Artemis Fowl
Johnny Tremain
The Thief


Oh, wow, I read this earlier and I was like, "WEEP? What does that mean??? What's wrong with LWW???"

Then this came up again in my friends list and I saw your edit... and I just feel so relieved!


the dragonfly

I'd guess it's Charlotte's Web as well, although I always liked The Trumpet of the Swan best of EB White's books and The Giver is my all-time favorite book.

The list, and all the comments, make me want to visit the children's section of my library! :)

Lisa Hunsaker

Nice list!

One of my daughter also cried, more than once that she would never get to Narnia.

Truly, and I'm not sucking up. The Princess Academy is at least in my top five, if not my top three. That book speaks to me and touches my emotions in ways that surprise me, not matter how many times I read it!


I remember one day when I was 12, I finished The Last Battle and thought, "I wish you could still go to Narnia....". Then the sad truth hit me (weep)


The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Caddie Woodlawn
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase
The Witch of Blackbird Pond
The Secret Garden
Graveyard Book
The Sea of Trolls
The Saturdays
Kiki Strike

Esther Grace

How about the Holy Bible as the top 1?

Je Reve

Besides yours, of course:

Ella Enchanted
Because of Winn Dixie
Gregor the Overlander (absolutely delicious, by Suzanne Collins of the Hunger Games)
Half Moon Investigations
Alex Rider
Narnia, Narnia, Narnia
The Yearling
Tom Sawyer

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. Excellent for boys of any age, and girls too!


Esther Grace-- most definitely the Bible is my number one, but it's not fiction:)

Ruby Diamond

ooh, good choices everyone! I'm definitely on the Ella Enchanted bandwagon. Recently I reread A Little Princess and loved that one!


Oh, what a great list!!! I didn't see either Peter Pan or Charlotte's web... This is not ordered by the way:

1. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
2. Winnie the Pooh
3. The Wizard of Oz
4. Little House on the Prairie
5. Peter Pan
6. Matilda
7. Which Witch?
8. The Little Princess
9. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
10. The Little White Horse

I am so glad The Little White Horse made the list!!!

Shannon Morris

How to ever decide? I would have to say the James A. Owens' work is rather brilliant: The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica. I recommend it to anyone!

Sue Ellen

I could add another hundred (ain't reading grand!), but here are two that never get mentioned...
Black and Blue Magic and Shadow Castle.


i bet it is Where a Red Fern Grows! i loved that book! thats a pretty good top ten, i've only not read a few!


edit: red fern is #46 or something, it should still be #1 though! i've read so many of those books and i love that ella enchanted made it on!


I can't NOT list your books! That would be lying!

In particular order, and I MEAN that!

Princess Academy
Book of 1000 Days
The Claidi Journals (all 4 books)
Black Unicorn (Lee)
Beauty (McKinley)
The Secret Garden
A Little Princess
Black Beauty
Goose Girl
I Capture the Castle
Little Women
Jane Eyre (it counts!)

I'll stop there. A lot of books are obviously "good," but these are the ones that touched me the most. And hence are my "personal picks" :)


Bah -- I meant "no" particular order, of course...


I always really loved The Star of Kazan by Eva Ibbotson. But not as number one. I'm just wondering if it's on the list.

And Nancy Drews...I know they're all very similar, but they influenced my childhood a lot.

They should do a YA list. So many great authors...John Green, David Levithan, E. Lockhart...and Shannon Hale!

I'm about to go for some re-reading. The Westing Game might be my favorite book of all time. Eh, but there are so many more I love.


Oh, gosh! Avi books...I forgot how much I loved that guy.


Best book of all time: The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner.

Best book ever...'nuff said

Dr. Sallie N. Cheinsteen

Good. I was getting defensive for a minute because I love the LWW. A lot of my top ten were already on there. Love the list!

Rosie Brinsek

What about The Middle Moffat (it still makes me laugh) and the Half Magic books?


My favorites have always been Ella Enchanted, The Two Princesses of Bamarre, Kira Kira, and Beauty (Robin Mckinley). I still enjoy them now!


I would put any Harry Potter book at number 1. As I remember, Wrinkle in Time didn't give me nearly as much enjoyment as Sorcerer's stone when I was elementary age. Though, of course, Wrinkle in Time is still a good book--but I don't think it ought to be number 2.

Esther Grace

Oh, yeah, the Bible isn't fiction. Oops. :)

Hmmm, then I think that "Alice in Wonderland" would come first. :D

Princess Loucida

For a minute I was going to say, "You don't like the chronicals of narnia?! Goodbye you!" But then I saw your little post at the bottom and breathed a deep sigh of relief. As for #1 it should be 'The End' the 13th book in the series of unfortunenate events. (That's not my absoloute fave but most of my faves are already on the list :)

Princess Loucida

On second thought, why do we have to number them? Why can't their be like a 100 book list that is the very best??? Way to hard to choose.....


I know, The Thief is AMAZING!!! Definitely among my top ten:)

Alice Beesley

great list. I'm curious to what # 1 is. Goose Girl? That's #1 on my list.


I don't have a top ten, but I would just like to express my undying love for LM Montgomery's work. (And yours, of course, but that's implied.)

Princess Loucida

What about Betsy-Tacy?? That's a childhood favorite! (The whole series!)


For some reason I'm choosing everything that would never end up on that list because of obscurity, I don't know why they are, they're awsome :)

*Rowan Hood
*The Moorchild
*The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
*Emily of New Moon
*The Hobbit
*The Book of 1000 Days, (It's pretty mutual for all ages!)
*Boy on a Black Horse

Emily of New Moon for instance, by the L. M. Montgomery of Anne of Green Gables, is beautiful and, in my opinion, if possible better. And don't forget Nancy Springer! (Rowan Hood, Boy on a Black Horse,) and Fairest is G. C. Levine's best, yet never get's any of Ella Enchanted's attention :( And last but not least, The Moorchild by Eloise Mcgraw. I got it for my brothers birthday,lol. And its amazing.


I LOVE Betsy-Tacy!! but mostly the ones when they're little:)


Pshh, not including Shannon novels, what a funny joke... ;)

1. Ella Enchanted
2. Princess Academy
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
4. The Two Princesses of Bamarre
5. Little Women
6. Holes
7. The Westing Game
8. The BFG
9. Attaboy, Sam!
10. The View From The Cherry Tree

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